LinkedIn Campaign Management

Professional management of LinkedIn campaigns, definition of B2B marketing strategy, lead generation and brand positioning.

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Some of the companies with which we have collaborated with

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How is the LinkedIn Ads service

The nature of the proposed service has these components:
– Consulting/advice: listen to what the advertiser’s goals are, what they have in mind to achieve them and help them define both the campaign strategy on Google and LinkedIn as well as other aspects of B2B marketing.
– LinkedIn Ads campaign management: includes the creation of new campaigns, modification and improvement of existing campaigns, as well as regular monitoring and optimization of campaigns.
The provision of the service will be structured on the basis of working sessions by Magnetica, specifically Marcel Odena.
In a coordinated manner, follow-up meetings will be held between the advertiser and Magnetica to discuss objectives, ideas for new campaigns/improvements and to monitor results.
Yes. Standard maintenance of LinkedIn campaigns includes:
– Regular monitoring of the main campaign performance metrics
– Adjustment of campaigns to achieve the expected performance.
– Management of campaign and bidding budget adjustments to stay within the budget defined for each month
– Analysis of the leads obtained and make adjustments in segmentation and ads if necessary.
– Monthly report with summary of campaign performance
– Monthly follow-up meeting via videoconference to discuss performance and plan possible campaign improvements.
We know how to generate quality leads and how to work the marketing and sales funnel so that leads progress into business opportunities.
We have been doing it for several years for other clients. And all with professional campaign management.
The budget you need to advertise on LinkedIn has two parts: the part of the advertising investment that is made on LinkedIn and the part of Magnetica’s management fees.
– Investment in LinkedIn: a company in Spain can invest in advertising on LinkedIn typically between €1,000 and €5,000 per month (depending on the company obviously). The important thing is that the investment be sustained over time, month after month, so that the target audience has time to grasp our message.
– Price of Magnetica’s campaign management service.
Do you want a customized quotation? Fill out the form and request your quote.
The service is carried out by Marcel Odena , an expert in LinkedIn advertising.
You will work with a true LinkedIn advertising professional.


Professional Advertising Management on LinkedIn

Get results with professional LinkedIn campaign management. Share the details of your project to evaluate a possible collaboration: