The present policy of privacy of MAGNETICA ADVERTISING, SL regulates the obtaining, use and other forms of process of personal data facilitated by the Users to this Web or any of the Internet environments of MAGNETICA ADVERTISING, SL.
By means of the implementation of the forms included in the different websites, regarding services provided by MAGNETICA ADVERTISING, SL, Users accept the inclusion and treatment of the data they provide in a processing of personal data of which MAGNETICA ADVERTISING, SL is the owner. , being able to exercise the relevant rights according to that stated in the following clauses.
Who is responsible for the processing of your data?
MAGNETICA ADVERTISING, SL is the legal entity responsible for collecting and processing your personal data in relation to the services it provides.
MAGNETICA ADVERTISING, SL is committed to respect and safeguard your privacy and the security of your data. The identifying data of the Treatment Manager are:
For what purposes do we collect your data?
In accordance with the provisions of the current regulations, MAGNETICA ADVERTISING, SL only collects data strictly necessary to offer the services derived from its activity and other benefits, management and activities attributed by the Law.
In this website, only contact information, provided by Users, is processed. The data that can be collected from the User will be treated with the purpose of:
It is reported that automated evaluations will be carried out, user profiles will not be developed.
Likewise, we inform you that the information of the databases can be used for the identification of the users and for the realization of statistical studies of the registered users.
How long do we keep your personal information?
Personal data will be kept as long as the User does not state otherwise and for the conservation periods legally established, unless for logical and obvious reasons they have lost the usefulness or the legitimate purpose for which they were collected.
To which recipients will your data be communicated?
The personal data entered on the website will not be assigned to third parties, except in the cases established by current legislation.
MAGNETICA ADVERTISING, SL does not sell, rent or transfer the personal data of the Users of this Website, except in the case that is necessary for the provision of the service itself.
MAGNETICA ADVERTISING, SL does not sell, rent or transfer user e-mails to other companies, except when necessary for the provision of the service itself.
The Web may have enabled links, applications or functionalities shared with third parties, such as social networks or communication systems where MAGNETICA ADVERTISING, SL is not responsible for the information that is collected in these applications, functionalities, or social networks owned by third parties because they do not have any management capacity or control over them, and therefore the legal notices and policies are applicable. of privacy that may appear on the websites or similar of third parties.
What are the rights of Users who provide us with their data?
Users may exercise, with respect to the data collected in the manner described in the first point, the rights recognized in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council of April 27, 2016, regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of such data, and therefore repealing Directive 95/46 / EC (General Data Protection Regulation), and in particular the rights of portability, access, rectification, deletion and limitation to treatment.
The rights mentioned in the previous paragraph may be exercised for each User by written and signed request, accompanied by a photocopy of ID or passport, to the following address:
C/ Vallcorba, 33 08208 Sabadell (Barcelona)
Likewise, users are informed that they can withdraw their consent for the processing of their data at any time, as well as that they can file a complaint with the Control Authority (Spanish Data Protection Agency) if deemed appropriate.
In the case of any conduct or situation that could be susceptible to generate an incidence or irregularity of any kind, it is requested to contact:
C/ Vallcorba, 33 08208 Sabadell (Barcelona)
The introduction of your data in any of the data collection forms implies accepting the present conditions of use and privacy policy, assuming that you have been informed of the conditions of use, legal notice thereof and that you commit to your compliance during navigation and participation in the web.
In any case, the User is responsible for the authenticity of the data provided, which are accurate, current and complete for the purpose for which they are provided, assuming responsibility for the damages, both for lost profits and for emerging damage, that can be generated by these inaccuracies or falsehoods. In any case, if the data provided in the corresponding forms was owned by a third party, the User is solely responsible for the correct capture of the consent and information to the third party on the aspects reflected in this Legal Notice and Privacy Policy.
Both the access to the Web and the use that can be made of the information and contents included in it, will be the sole responsibility of the person who makes it. Therefore, the use that can be made of the information, images, contents and / or products reviewed and accessible through it, will be subject to the legality, whether national or international, applicable, as well as the principles of good faith and Legal use by Users, who will be fully responsible for this access and correct use. The Users will be obliged to make reasonable use of the services or contents, under the principle of good faith and with respect to current legislation, morals, public order, good customs, the rights of third parties or the own company, with everything, according to the possibilities and purposes for which they are conceived. MAGNETICA ADVERTISING, SL does not assume any responsibility, whether direct or indirect, for emergent damage or lost profit, derived from the misuse of the services or contents made by the Users or third parties.
n compliance with article 10 of Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society and Electronic Commerce. Services, we inform you that the facilitator and content manager of the Web where you can download different applications and/or information is MAGNETICA ADVERTISING, SL with address at C / Vallcorba, 33 08208 Sabadell (Barcelona), and with the Internet domain management, registered in the corresponding register, attending to communications from users and / or interested parties through e-mail
Any other commercial, commercial, administrative or contracting activity of products and/or services is the responsibility of the company mentioned above, owner of this domain.
MAGNETICA ADVERTISING, SL is only responsible for the content and management of the Web page of which it is the owner or holds a right of similar nature. Any other web page or social network or repository of information on the Internet, outside this website, is the responsibility of its legitimate owners.
MAGNETICA ADVERTISING, SL, collaborates in an ordinary way with different applications and web environments and always recommends to all users that before accessing these web environments carefully read the corresponding legal notices and privacy policies and only access them once they have understood and accepted in its entirety this legal text.
MAGNETICA ADVERTISING, SL is committed to controlling the contents that are exposed in these social networks and will expel those users who make an incorrect use in them.
MAGNETICA ADVERTISING, SL for its own account or that of a third party hired to provide measurement services, may use cookies when the user browses the website. Cookies are files sent to the browser through a web service in order to record the user’s activities during their browsing time. The cookies used are only associated with an anonymous user and their computer, and do not provide the user’s personal data by themselves. Through the use of cookies it is possible that the server where the website is located recognizes the web browser used by the user in order to make browsing easier. They are also used to measure the audience and traffic parameters, control the process and number of entries. The user has the possibility to configure his browser to be notified of the reception of cookies and to prevent its installation on his computer. Please consult the instructions and manuals of your browser to expand this information. To use the website is not necessary for the user to allow the installation of cookies sent to the website, or the third party acting on their behalf, without prejudice to the need for the user to initiate such a session in each of the services whose performance requires prior registration. In any case, cookies are temporary in nature with the sole purpose of making their subsequent transmission more efficient. Under no circumstances will cookies be used to collect personal information.