How to use LinkedIn Dynamic Ads to generate followers and leads

How to use LinkedIn Dynamic Ads to generate followers and leads Nov 18, 2018 - Marcel Odena

LinkedIn Dynamic Ads have a rectangular format (300×250 pixels) and are displayed on the right side of the LinkedIn page in desktop format (on mobile phones they don’t appear). They have a privileged space since it is an area of the page that looks a lot and does not disappear immediately when we start to scroll on the page, but the ad is fixed above everything on the right. Sponsored content ads shown in the feed are also very eye-catching but have the handicap that the moment the user starts scrolling the page the ad disappears.

With the old LinkedIn campaign manager interface , just creating the campaign we have to indicate that we want to use dynamic ads:

Anuncios dinamicos en la antigua interfaz del gestor de campañas de LinkedIn

With the new Linkedin campaign manager interface (Objective Oriented Buying) we have to first select the objective of the campaign, for dynamic ads in theory we should be able to select:

  • Visits to the web (website visits)
  • Engagement: for capturing followers ad format. Although nowadays when selecting this option the dynamic ad type doesn’t appear (note that the new campaign manager version is still in beta).

Below you can see the description of each objective:

Website Visits objective in Linkedin Campaign Manager

Objective “Engagement” , that allows to attract new followers to the page of your company in Linkedin:

Once we select as objective “Website visits”, in the ad format section we will see the type of dynamic ads:

Formatos de anuncios para objetivo visitas web en LinkedIn

As you can see in the previous image there are 3 variants of the dynamic ad format:

  1. Follower Ad: to get followers to your LinkedIn page.
  2. Spotlight Ad: to show an ad that leads to a landing page.
  3. Job Ad: to show ads related to job offers offered by your company.

There is one more Dynamic Ads format that is called the “Content Ad“, which is designed to promote content and generate leads but is not yet available in the campaign manager.

Attracting followers to your LinkedIn page

Getting followers to your company’s page on LinkedIn is a good practice . Followers are usually achieved in a natural (organic) way as we publish articles, news, etc. on our LinkedIn page. As our followers share the publication their followers see the publication and can also become followers.

With the advertising on LinkedIn and with the Dynamic Ads format we have the opportunity to grow the base of users that follow our company. From my point of view if it is done well this type of campaign makes a lot of sense. First of all, it is important to be clear about the professional profile of the person we want as a follower. In this way we can configure the segmentation of the campaign to reach the desired audience and impact with this type of ads.

Keep in mind that all the followers that we get with campaigns on LinkedIn will later see the organic publications on the official page of your company (obviously if you look at your LinkedIn feed). Therefore in some way the PPC campaigns help to increase the impact of “organic” publications on Linkedin .

That said, note that this doesn’t change the fact that we must still use paid campaigns and impact those users with other campaigns within our marketing strategy.

Configuration and visualization of a dynamic ad to attract followers on LinkedIn.

Configuracion y visualizacion anuncio captacion seguidores LinkedIn

Spotlight Ad

Dynamic spotlight ads, allow you to configure a call to action (button) with a link to a landing page. Therefore, they are more oriented to conversion.

Regarding segmentation, to say that the process is identical to any other campaign, we can segment according to any of the segmentation criteria of the LinkedIn campaign manager.

The particularity of this ad format is that we can customize the ad with information about the user and our company. From my point of view this can make a lot of sense if the user is in the “bottom of the funnel” and we want to get an action of value as he might request a demo. Here is an example of what this ad would look like (obtained from official Linkedin page on Dynamic Ads ):

Ejemplo de anuncio dinamico spotlight personalizado Linkedin

That said, it is not mandatory to make the ad in this way. We can build the ad with:

  • 300×250 banner that will be set as background. You have to design it expresso since the components that I indicate below cover a large part of the banner.
  • The logo of our company.
  • A copy in which we can show our message.
  • And a button with the call to action, which will lead to our landing page.

Dynamic Ads Spotlight: ideas for campaigns

Here are some campaign ideas with dynamic ads spotlight to generate leads for your company and also to move the leads within the sales funnel:

1. Lead generation campaign (Top Of the FUnnel – TOFU)

We can use Dynamic Spotlight Ads to generate leads by downloading content. Let’s imagine a scenario: suppose we want to generate leads with a professional profile as financial director of large companies. In this case we could create a campaign with a segmentation to reach these professionals (segmented by charge, by function, etc.) and then show them this ad format. The ad would be as I explained in the previous section. The call to action would be “Download guide” type and would lead to a landing page where the content would be presented in more detail and there would be a form to download the content.

2. Remarketing campaign to get demos (Bottom Of The FUnnel – BOFU)

For many SaaS’s businesses (Software As A Service) is very important to get demos, in other words, the user is interested in the product/service and requests a demonstration. It is the previous step for the user to buy. For this purpose we can create a campaign with remarketing segmentation, that is, we previously created a remarketing list with some key URLs that indicate that if the user has seen these urls it makes sense that we offer a demo. The ad format would be as I explained in the previous section.


Dynamic ads open a world of possibilities to create new campaigns, some unique ones such as generating followers and other types of campaigns such as dynamic ads spotlight similar to what can be done with other types of campaigns but with a new ad format. Be that as it may, it is a complement that we can add in our strategy to generate leads through advertising on LinkedIn and do better B2B marketing.

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Marcel Odena

Marcel Odena

CEO at Magnetica Advertising | LinkedIn Ads Expert

Since 2013 I've been working in the Pay Per Click Advertising Industry. I manage Google and LinkedIn Ads accounts for several B2B companies. I work to deliver results to my clients as well to contribute to do better B2B marketing. I like to learn and share my knowledge at the same time.